Sweet • Sour • Savory

Sweet • Sour • Savory

Food blog on scandinavian style food done right.

cold drink

Coffee Baileys Float

Beverages, DessertsComment
Coffee Baileys Float

Coffee Baileys Float

Having made the Cupid Float the other day, I needed a not so sweet option, a more adult option. I do love coffee and Baileys. So why not combine the two into a cold coffee Baileys with some ice cream or a cold affogato. 
So if you need an easy dessert, not having to slave in the kitchen, this is the perfect option. If you do not like coffee, you can substitute the coffee with your favorite chocolate milk, and even switch out the Baileys with a splash of cognac. The possibilities are endless. 

Adult floats makes great desserts.


  • 1-2 scoops vanilla ice cream 
  • 2 espresso, cold, or strong brewed coffee
  • Baileys Irish cream, just a little splash
  • whipped cream
  • chocolate sprinkles


Scoop ice cream into a tall glass, pour the cold espresso over the ice cream, add a splash of Baileys. Top the drink with whipped cream and sprinkles.

Serve immediately.


The Ultimate Iced Coffee

Brunch, Desserts, DrinksComment
The Ultimate Iced Coffee

The Ultimate Iced Coffee

This iced coffee is a special treat. I look at it the same way as a ice cream cone or a slice of cake. It's not an every day occurrence. But It is really good on a hot day for a special day pick me up.


Milky syrup:

  • 1 can (14 oz/396 g) sweetened condensed milk
  • 21 oz (1.5 times the can) of milk (i used non-fat milk) 


Brew the coffee (it takes 12-14 hours)

Milky syrup:

Mix the two milks together and it's ready. I would try to freeze the mixture in ice cubes, because it do make quite a lot, and it is very rich.

 Stir in syrup in the coffee to taste, for me about half and half, and top with ice.


Cold Brewed Coffee

Breakfast, Brunch, DrinksComment
Cold Brewed Coffee.

Cold Brewed Coffee.

Why do you want to brew you coffee cold? Well, if you like an iced coffee, and don't want a diluted cup of coffee, this is the way to go. The coffee actually tastes sweeter than the same coffee brewed with hot water. Why is that? Some of the more bitter oils in the roasted coffee will only be extracted using hot water, while the cold water only extracts the sweeter flavor components. The real downside to brewing the coffee cold is the time aspect. You can't make yourself a quick cup of coffee, if you didn't think ahead to brew the coffee in advance. In a way you are substituting heat for time. Heat is a catalyst in many processes, and here we have to put in a long steep time, to get all the flavors extracted from the beans.

I steep my cold brewed coffee for 12-14 hours, before filtering it. The filtered coffee will last about 3-4 days in the refrigerator, but somehow it never last as long in my home.

I have become picky with my coffee. I only buy whole coffee beans, and grind them myself. But coffee beans are very different. I don't like the shiny beans you gets from the regular coffee at Starbucks and similar places. The more dry-looking or matte beans are not as bitter, and my grinder don't get an oily build-up from these. So I started to buy my coffee beans fresh roasted from smaller companies. My local Whole Foods carries a small selection.

 For the last year we have had a subscription on fresh roasted coffee bean from Blue Bottle Coffee. Every other week we get a new bag of coffee delivered by mail. We get a new kind of coffee every time, and so far, we have liked them all. 


  • 150 g (1½ cup) medium roasted coffee beans (I like fresh roasted beans)
  • 1000 ml  (1 liter or about 4 cups)


Grind the coffee, and pour it in a suitable container, I use my 12 cups French press. Pour the cold water over the coffee, and stir to combine. Cover with plastic wrap and let it steep for 12-14 hours on the kitchen table. I stir the mixture a couple of times if steeping during daytime, but it's not mandatory.

When Steeping is done, you need to filter the coffee. Using my French press, I just put the press-part in the pitcher, and press down slowly. I decant the coffee into a new pitcher or bottle, to keep in my refrigerator.

When serving, dilute the coffee with cream, milk, water or syrup to your taste and top with ice. Or try my Ultimate Iced Coffee.


The Danish Version:

Koldbrygget Kaffe


  • 150 g medium-ristede kaffe bønner
  • 1 liter kold vand


Der er intet svært her. Kværn kaffebønnerne og kom dem i en passende beholder. Hæld vandet over, og lad kaffen trække tildækket i 12-14 timer på køkkenbordet. 

Si kaffen igennem et almindeligt kaffefilter. Jeg bruger en stor Bodum stempelkande, og trykker bare stemplet langsomt ned. Hæld kaffen på en kande og afkøl den helt i køleskabet. Kaffen kan holde sig i køleskabet i 3-4 dage.

Ved serveringen, fortyndes kaffen med fløde, mælk eller vand efter smag. Sød kaffen med en sirup.
